FAQ - Email
What is E-mail ?
What are Aliases ?
What is Auto-Forwarding ?
What are Auto-Responders ?
E-mail is the most widely used feature
of the Internet. More people have access to Internet
E-mail than any other Internet function so you should
consider how you can best use the various mail functions
to facilitate the level of communication between you
and Internet users visiting your web site.
You are assigned varying numbers of E-mail services
such as mailboxes, autoresponders and aliases depending
upon your plan level. Each mailbox will store mail and
can be accessed via a mail program running on your computer.
Each POP3 mailbox is password protected to ensure security
for your mail and you can alter your password at any
time through the on-line password update
A mailbox alias allows e-mail to be
sent to several different addresses or have it delivered
into a central mailbox for collection.
For example John Citizen may have the e-mail addresses
of citizen@company.co, john@company.com, jcitizen@company.com,
Another example is setting up a mailbox for your Administration
department which is addressed as admin@company.com,
and the mail is delivered to a specified location.
One of the main advantages of registering
a domain name is that your e-mail is independent of
your local ISP (Internet Service Provider) eg: admin@acme.com.
Without your own domain name your e-mail name uses the
ISP's domain such as company@ibm.com.
This make it difficult to change ISPs as you will need
to get a new e-mail account.
The AutoForwarder feature lets your forward all the
e-mail which arrives in your mailbox onto a local service
provider and so you simply collect all your e-mail from
the one location.
If you change Service providers in the future you simply
change the Auto Forwarder to your new ISP.
An Auto Responder will detect all incoming
e-mail and will generate an automatic e-mail response
to the sender.
Many companies set up responders to offer information
about their products and services, so that people can
send an e-mail message to a particular address and then
receive back useful information.
Another good example of the use of Auto Responders is
for individuals. If you go on holidays, you can set
an auto-response to all incoming e-mail notifying the
sender that you are away, and will return in the next
few days.